Call for Position Papers for CHI2015 workshop

Designing for Sharing in Local Communities

Key Information

The sharing economy and all its variations is gaining increasing attention across all sectors of society. This is reflected in the exponential growth of online‐mediated sharing services, the attention of governments to the disruptive nature of such services, and the rising engagement of HCI researchers in studying and designing to support these new forms of sharing and civic and community participation. Full workshop proposal with references can be found here.

This one‐day workshop on Designing for sharing in local communities will be held 18 April as part of the CHI 2015 annual ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Science, in Seoul (South Korea) between the 18 and 23 of April.

We invite interested people to submit a 2-4 page position paper in CHI Extended Abstracts format, describing the authors’ experience engaging with a specific theme, or challenge involved with designing, using, or evaluating technologies and/or communities that relate to the concept or experience of “sharing”. We positively encourage submissions from a diverse range of participants, perspectives and disciplines. We also encourage active participation from community groups already engaged in the design and development of technologies for sharing (with special consideration of these submissions bringing such practical experiences).

Submissions will be selected based on their originality, quality and ability to promote discussion amongst the community.

Submissions and questions should be directed to More details can be found at:

At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop. Please indicate which of the position paper authors will attend the workshop.

Please submit your position paper by 19th January 2015.


The overall goals of the workshop are:

  1. To bring together researchers and practitioners 
actively engaged in understanding of and designing for new models of sharing communities, to facilitate the formation of a new sub-community in HCI and collectively map out future research challenges.
  2. To review sharing from a social, economic and sustainability perspective and to discuss how social cohesion as well as resource exploitation is fostered.
  3. To present examples of the nuanced work of local initiatives based in the examples of sharing practices (existing or imagined) submitted by the workshop participants.
  4. To formulate statements/visions regarding sustainable sharing in local communities.
  5. To establish a number of imagined, scenario-based sharing concepts based on the preceding discussions and established vision / statements.

Issues to be addressed

Conceptualising the design and research space around sharing and local communities requires consideration of a number of diverse issues, already touched on. Hence open questions to be explored at the workshop include:

Creating and sustaining community: How to create a critical mass to become ‘community’? How to create new social practices? How to promote and sustain ongoing engagement and active participation? How to encourage taking as well as giving? What role is there for brokers, facilitators, etc? What is the administrative work required to manage a sharing community?

Exchange models: What are the different models of exchange that exist? What are the advantages and disadvantages, best fit, of these for different types of communities? What is exchanged and how? How are exchanges valued? How does ‘local’ play out?

Technology platforms: What is the role of technology in supporting sharing communities? What platforms can be used when where and how? What are common/different features of existing platforms?

Trust, give and take: Does social exchange have to be simplified across digital interfaces? How do we address commercial models in the collaborative economy? How do vetting, insuring and validating partners affect the underlying ideas of sharing; of giving and taking? Is there more to sharing than turning empty bedrooms and availability of parking space in crowded cities into cash?

Lessons learnt: Based on studies of existing exchange, sharing services: what works, what doesn’t work? What are the critical issues?

Societal and economic impacts: How do we negotiate the disruptive effects of sharing communities, e.g., on commerce, on governments, etc? What are the implications of new models of commerce, such as taxing, privacy and other risks? How is equity and inequality managed in sharing systems that go beyond personal sharing?



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